Carbon Holic was birthed on the realisation that no other non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Ghana was aimed at addressing issues or problems concerned or involving the carbon element in all forms across fields. Thus, Carbon Holic comes to occupy such niche to promote cutting-edge, basic, translational, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research and development for national and global welfare. In this niche, the vision, mis-sion and aims kept by Carbon Holic are: Vision statement: Maintain healthy levels of elemental carbon in all forms in the biosphere.
Mandate or mission statement: Conduct educational research and development concern-ing or involving elemental car-bon in all forms in the biosphere. Aim: Understand all issues concerning or involving the carbon element for a healthier, sustain-able, securer and prosperous earth.
Carbon Holic has as its objectives: The main objective is to: investigate and solve problems concerning or involving the carbon element in all forms.
Towards this main objective, the specific objects are to: 1. Champion carbon-centred research and development. 2. Reduce carbon emissions 3. Preserve the carbon cycle 4. Promote carbon-centred sustainable development 5. Restore balance in carbon levels 6. Offset fluxes in carbon levels7. Maintain healthy levels of carbon 8. Maintain population health
As a newly incorporated organisation, Carbon Holic is yet to chalk milestone successes in its activities and operations.
Nonetheless, each of the Directors on their own have achieved remarkable feats in not-for-profit and academic research and development which in itself constitutes a formidable basis to push new frontiers and break fresh barri-ers.
In the next five years, Carbon Holic looks forward to becoming the foremost NGO doing research and development concerning or involving the carbon element in all forms across fields.
In the next 10 year, Carbon Holic hopes to have metamorphosed into a world-renowned, globally-famed institute or centre of par excellence in carbon-centred research and development with strong partnerships across all sectors.
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